In order to preserve the customs and traditions at The Valley Hunt Club, all Members, Privilege Holders and their Guests are requested to conduct themselves in keeping with the Club's traditional concepts of dignity and mutual respect.

Inside The Clubhouse: Foyer, Living Room, Founders Room, Garden Room, Library, Salon, Rawn Room

Clubhouse Attire Gentlemen: Jackets and slacks (ties optional).
Ladies: Dresses, skirts, pantsuits or dressy pant outfits.

Dining Areas At The Clubhouse: Fireside Terrace, Hunt Room, Palm Court (Ballroom), Garden Terrace, Brinton Room

Casual Attire; Jeans OK. Denim is permitted on the Fireside Terrace.

Gentlemen: Slacks, collared shirts, polo-style shirts and sweaters.
Ladies: Blouses, slacks, skirts, and sweaters.

Tennis attire for Ladies and Gentlemen in the Hunt Room, Fireside Terrace, and Poolside Only. Members and their guests in casual attire should use the Hunt Room and Terrace entrances.

Tennis Area: Tennis & Pickleball Courts, Tennis Pavilion

Tennis Attire

Court attire should honor the traditions of the game and be purchased specifically for the purpose of playing tennis.
Shirts are required at all times.
Oversized shirts and shorts are not allowed.
Hard-soled shoes or other shoes that might leave marks on the court are prohibited.

Members and their guests dressed in tennis attire should not use the Clubhouse restrooms. They should utilize the Boy's and Girls' restrooms located off the Hunt Room Terrace or the Men's and Ladies' Locker rooms located below the Pavilion.

Sports Center

Casual, sport and appropriate workout attire.


Members should inform their guests of the Valley Hunt Club Dress Code for regular dining, private parties and sports activities.